
_ A B C D E F G H I K L M O P Q R S T U V W Y Z


__toString() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns HTML that displays this form's field values in a nicely formatted table.


addButtonListener() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SubmitField
Adds a callback class to processes this button's click action.
addCheckboxColumn() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SearchResultsField
Adds a checkbox column to the results.
addColumn() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Adds a column of data.
addField() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Adds or inserts a field into this form's field list.
addFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Adds all the fields from another form to this form.
addFieldToFront() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Inserts a field at the front of the field list.
addFieldValidator() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Add a field validator, a callback class that is used to implement form validation.
addFormError() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Adds a form error string to the end of the form error list.
addFormListener() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Adds a form listener to this form, a callback class that processes certain form actions like assigning default field values.
addFormValidator() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Adds a form validator, callback classes that are used to implement form validation.
addRow() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Appends a row to the end of the data in this table.
addRows() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Appends rows to the endof the data in this table.
addSingleRow() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Adds a row, appends a hidden field or appends a button for the specified field.
addSubField() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Append a sub field to the end of the subFields array.
addValue() - Method in class FORMfields.FfListHelper
Appends a value to the list of values.
adjustSuperset() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SetSelectorField
Adjust the values in the options and values arrays according to the selected values.
appendParameterToUri() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Returns a URI with parameter expression appended to the query string.
array_combine() - Function in package FORMfields
Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values.
array_combine() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns an array indexed by keys and containing values.
arrayToString() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns the array as a comma separated list.


BritishDateField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
BritishDateField a date field used to represent dates in British/European format DD/MM/YYYY.


CanadianProvinceField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CanadianProvinceField a drop down list of Canadian provinces.
CcvField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CcvField is a field for editing a credit card CCV/security number.
CheckboxField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CheckboxField is a check box (yes or no) field.
CheckboxGroupField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CheckboxGroupField is a field for editig a group of checkboxes.
checkForBlank() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns true if this field's value is blank and if it is, also sets the field error.
checkValues() - Method in class FORMfields.FfFormValidator
Sets the form validator, a callback class that is used to implement form validation.
CityField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CityField is a field for editing a city name.
clearAllData() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Clears the values of all the fields in this form.
clearValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SetSelectorField
Sets this field's value to null.
ColorChooserField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ColorChooserField is a field for selecting a 24 bit web color from a popup palette.
connect() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Attempts to connect to the database using a persistent connection and if this fails attempts using a non-persitent connection.
containsData() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns true if this form contains data.
copyAllFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Copies all fields from another form to this form.
copyFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Copies fields from another form to this form, including any field data and field errors.
copyValues() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Copies the field values from another form as long as the field name exists in this form.
CountryField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CountryField is a drop down list of countries.
CreditCardDateField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CreditCardDateField is a date field for credit card expiration dates.
CreditCardNumberField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CreditCardNumberField is a field for editing a credit card number.
CreditCardTypeField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CreditCardTypeField is a drop down field of credit card types.
CurrencyField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
CurrencyField is a field for editing an amount of money in any specified currency.


DateField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
DateField a three part date field with a popup date calendar.
DateTimeField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
FormField is the base class of a form field.
defineIfNotDefined() - Method in class FORMfields.FfGlobals
Creates a named constant if the constant hasn't already been defined.
delete() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Uses an associative array to delete data in a database table.
delimitedSplit() - Method in class FORMfields.FfParseHelper
Splits a line of entries by the specified delimiter.
DescriptionField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
DescriptionField is a field that prints any HTML description and spans both the label and field value columns.
diff() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns an associative array indexed by field name where each element is an array of {,}
disable() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Disables the field.
disableField() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Disables a field in this form.
DollarField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
DollarField is a field for editing dollar amounts that use the sign, "$".
DropDownField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
DropDownField a field for selecting a single option from a drop down list of options or supplying an new option, if the new option functionality is enabled.


EinField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
EinField is a field for editing a Employer Identification Number.
email() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Sends an HTML or clear text email.
EmailAddrField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
EmailAddrField is a field for editing an email address.
EmailListField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
EmailListField is a field for editing a list of email addresses.
EnterPasswordField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
PickPasswordField is a password field.
escapeCommas() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
A static function that replaces all commas with escaped commas "\,".
escapeDoubleQuotes() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
A static function that replaces all double quotes with escaped quotes '\"'.
executeScript() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbExtHelper
Executes the specified SQL script.
existsAndIsNotBlank() - Method in class FORMfields.FfGlobals
Returns true if key is an index in search and if the value at that position is more than just whitespace.


FaxNumberField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
FaxNumberField is a field for editing an American fax number in the form: "XXX-YYY-ZZZZ".
FfButtonListener() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
A callback class that processes a button's click action.
FfClearButtonListener() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
A callback class used to implement the clear button operation.
FfDb() - Class in package FORMfields
A singleton class instance of FfDbHelper for accessing the database.
FfDbExtHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfDbExtHelper contains database helper methods that are rarely used.
FfDbHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfDbHelper contains helper rountines for accessing a database.
ffExecuteScript() - Function in package FORMfields
FfExtHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfExtHelper a helper class that contains methods that are rarely used by FORMfields.
FfFieldValidator() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
A callback class used to implement field validation that is not hard coded into the field, yet can be set during run time.
FfForm() - Class in package FORMfields
FfForm encapsulates the form structure and functionality allowing one to easily perform form-wise functions, like writing to a database, and pass around the form structure and data in a single instance.
FfFormListener() - Class in package FORMfields
A callback class that processes certain form actions.
FfFormValidator() - Class in package FORMfields
FfFormValidator is a callback class that is used to implement form validation.
ffGetRows() - Function in package FORMfields
FfGlobals() - Class in package FORMfields
FfGlobas provides a small set of helper functions for global vaiables.
FfHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfHelper contains common helper functions used by FORMfields.
FfLanguageHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfLanguageHelper a class used to implement multilanguage support.
FfLH() - Class in package FORMfields
A convenience class for accessing the FfLanguageHelper without typing FfLanguageHelper.
FfListHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfListHelper a helper class for displaying HTML lists.
FfMenuHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
A class used to build dynamic 2 tier menus that are styled with CSS.
FfMessageHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfMessageHelper is a helper class that uses a small FfForm to create message dialogs/windows for errors, warnings, information and questions.
FfParseHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfParseHelper is a helper class used to parse certain types of data.
FfPngHelper() - Class in package FORMfields
FfPngHelper provides helper functions for dynamically creating PNG images that used by the ImageVerificationField.
FfProperties() - Class in package FORMfields
FfProperties provides a mechanism for writing system properties to a PHP file.
fieldExists() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns true if the field exists.
fieldsExist() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns true if all the fields exist.
file_get_contents() - Function in package FORMfields
Reads entire file into a string This function is not available in early versions of PHP 4 and it is used by FORMfields, therefore it is implemented in FORMfields.
FileField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
FileField is a field for selecting a file on your local computer.
FloatField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
FloatField is a field for editing floating point numbers.
format() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.CurrencyField
A static method that returns str as a formatted currency value.
formatPhoneNumberSql() - Function in package FORMfields
formatPhoneNumberSql() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbExtHelper
Returns a statement that can be used in SQL to format a string of 10-15 digits into a formatted telephone number and extension.
formatRequestParameter() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
A static method that returns a formatted $_REQUEST value.
formatText() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
A static method that returns text wrapped in FORMfields span tags.
FormBean() - Class in package FORMfields
Used for backwards compatibility with FORMfields v2
FormField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
FormField is the base class of a form field.


genArray() - Function in package FORMfields
genArray() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns an array of indices starting at start and ending at end.
generatePng() - Method in class FORMfields.FfPngHelper
Returns the binary data of an 8 bit grayscale PNG.
genPngChunk() - Method in class FORMfields.FfPngHelper
Generates a PNG chunk.
genVerificationImage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfPngHelper
Generates a scrambled PNG image of the supplied code.
get24Hour() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.TwentyFourHourTimeField
Returns the 24 hour value of this field's time value.
getALabelTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SetSelectorField
A static method that returns the HTML to display a form field label.
getAliases() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
A static method that returns an array of all the aliases contained in the specified SQL query.
getAssociativeTableTag() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
A static method that provides a single line call for generating the HTML to display an associative array
getButtonClicked() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SubmitField
Returns true this button was clicked.
getCheckboxValues() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SearchResultsField
Returns a string array of the ids selected.
getCommaDelimitedData() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns this table's data formatted as comma delimited data.
getCommaDelimitedRow() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
A static method that returns a row of comma delimited data.
getCssTag() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns the content string wrapped in div tags with the specified class name.
getCurrentDate() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.DateField
Sets this field's value to the current date.
getCurrentDateTime() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.DateTimeField
Sets this field's value to the current date and time.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.TimeField
Sets this field's value to the current time.
getData() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns whether this field should be considered data and if this field's value should be read from a database and written to a database.
getDaysInMonth() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.DateField
Returns the number of days in the specified month.
getDbArray() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Returns an array of database values processed with getDbValue().
getDbArray() - Function in package FORMfields
getDbValue() - Function in package FORMfields
getDbValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the database value of this field.
getDbValues() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns an associative array of database values for fields in this form.
getDelimitedData() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns this table's data formatted as delimited data.
getDelimitedRow() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
A static method that returns a row of delimited data.
getDisableFieldJs() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns JavaScript code to disable the input field portion of this field during run-time.
getDisableJs() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns JavaScript code to disable this field during run-time.
getDisableLabelJs() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns JavaScript code to disable the label portion of this field during run-time.
getDisplayFieldTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SubmitField
Returns the HTML used to display this field's value and not within an input field.
getDisplayHtmlValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadWebImageViewerField
Returns HTML to display the uploaded image and a hyperlink to the uploaded image.
getDisplayLabelTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the HTML used to display this field's display label.
getDisplayTableTag() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the HTML to display this form in display mode.
getDisplayValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.TimeField
Returns the date formatted by the dateFormat.
getEditable() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns whether this field is editable.
getEditableFieldTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadField
Returns the HTML used to display the input portion of this field.
getEditableLabelTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the HTML used to display this field's editiable label.
getEmailArray() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.EmailListField
Returns this field's value as an array of email address strings.
getEmailMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the readable section of the email message.
getEmailValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.EmailListField
Returns a string of email addresses that can be used when sending an email.
getEnabled() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns whether the field is enabled.
getError() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the error string associated with this field upong a failed validation.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
A static method that returns the HTML needed to display a basic error message with no buttons.
getExtraHtml() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns any extra HTML/JavaScript code that should be inserted into the input tag.
getField() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns a field from this form.
getFieldErrors() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns an array of form errors.
getFieldLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the field's label.
getFieldLabels() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns an array of field labels.
getFieldName() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the field's name.
getFieldNames() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns an array of field names.
getFieldTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.HeaderField
Returns the HTML to display this field.
getFormError() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the the error string set by this field that is not particular to this field and will be propagated up to the FfForm.
getFormName() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the value of the name attribute in the form tag.
getFullCountryName() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Return the full country name.
getFullStateName() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Return the full U.S.
getHelp() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the HTML help string that appears to the right of a field.
getHelpTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the HTML used to display this field's help text.
getHidden() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns whether this field is a hidden field.
getHiddenFieldTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the HTML that describes this field as a hidden field.
getHtml() - Method in class FORMfields.FfListHelper
Returns the HTML to display this list.
getId() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the value of the id attribute printed in this field's input tag.
getIdat() - Method in class FORMfields.FfPngHelper
Returns the IDAT area of the PNG image at filename.
getIfError() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns an error formatted in HTML if this form has any errors.
getImageTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadWebImageField
Returns an HTML image tag for displaying the uploaded image.
getIndex() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Returns the numeric index position of a key, where the numeric index starts at 0.
getInfo() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Returns the HTML to display this message window as a information
getInfoMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
A static method that returns the HTML needed to display a basic info message with no buttons.
getIsData() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns whether this field should be considered data and if this field's value should be read from a database and written to a database.
getIsHidden() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns whether this field is a hidden field.
getLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns this form field's label.
getLabelHtml() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the HTML used to display the label.
getLabelSimpleTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.CheckboxField
Returns the HTML to display a basic label for the checkbox
getLabelTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the HTML used to display this field's label based on the field's editable state.
getLanguage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLanguageHelper
Returns the current language.
getList() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Returns an array of values or a "column" or values from the database.
getList() - Function in package FORMfields
getMenu() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML to display a horizontal 2 tier menu.
getMenuLinks() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML that displays the tab sub links in a horizontal menu.
getMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Returns HTML to display this message window.
getName() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the name of the form field.
getNotSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML used to display an unselected tab in a horizontal menu.
getNumColumns() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns the number of columns of data
getNumRows() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns the number of rows of data, not including the heading row.
getOrNull() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
A static method that returns the value in the array at the specified index or null, if the value doesn't exist.
getPageNavigationHtml() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SearchResultsField
Returns the HTML to display the bottom navigation bar: page index, results and go to page, should be hidden.
getParameter() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadField
Retrieves the posted field value.
getParameters() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Retrieves the posted form values.
getQueryString() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Returns a URL query string constructed from an associative array.
getQuestion() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Returns the HTML to display this message window as a question
getQuestionMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
A static method that returns the HTML needed to display a basic question message with no buttons.
getRawDbValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns the raw database value of this field.
getRawMailMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the raw multipart content of an email.
getRequired() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns whether the field must be filled in and whether it looks like it must be filled in.
getRows() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Returns an array of rows of data from the database.
getSectionFooter() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML to display the footer of a section widget.
getSectionHeader() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML to display the header of a section widget.
getSectionTitleFooter() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML to display the footer of a section title widget.
getSectionTitleHeader() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML to display the header of a section title widget.
getSelectClause() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Returns the parameter section of the SQL select clause generated from an associative array.
getSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML used to display a selected tab in a horizontal menu.
getSimpleValue() - Function in package FORMfields
getSimpleValue() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Returns a single value of data from the database.
getSimpleValues() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Returns an array of values or a "row" of values from the database.
getSimpleValues() - Function in package FORMfields
getSingleButtonEditableFieldTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.RadioButtonField
Returns the HTML to display the editable portion of a radio button.
getSingleButtonFieldTagForLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.RadioButtonField
Returns the HTML to display the field of a single radio button.
getSingleButtonLabelTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.RadioButtonField
Returns the HTML to display the label of a single radio button.
getSingleButtonLabelTagForLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.RadioButtonField
Returns the HTML to display the label of a single radio button.
getSingleButtonTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.RadioButtonField
Returns the HTML to display a single radio button.
getSingleButtonTagForLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.RadioButtonField
Returns the HTML to display a single radio button.
getSingleCheckboxTag() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.CheckboxGroupField
Returns the HTML to display a single checkbox.
getSingleFieldTableTag() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the HTML to display a form with just a single field from this form.
getTabDeliminatedData() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns this table's data formatted as tab delimited data.
getTabDeliminatedRow() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
A static method that returns a row of tab delimited data.
getTabDelimitedData() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns this table's data formatted as tab delimited data.
getTabDelimitedRow() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
A static method that returns a row of tab delimited data.
getTableTag() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns the HTML to display this TableSet's data in an HTML table structure.
getTitle() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML to display the title widget.
getTranslation() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns a sortTranslation, if any, for the specified heading.
getUnixTimestamp() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.TimeField
Returns the time as measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
getValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadField
Returns the value of this form field.
getValueIfExists() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns the value of a field if it exists in this form.
getValues() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Returns an associative array of values for fields in this form.
getVerbose() - Method in class FORMfields.FfGlobals
Various FORMfields elements echo debug information when verbose printing is turned on.
getVerticalMenu() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML to display a vertical 2 tier menu.
getVerticalMenuLinks() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML that displays the tab sub links in a vertical menu.
getVerticalNotSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML used to display an unselected tab in a vertical menu.
getVerticalSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Returns the HTML used to display a selected tab in a vertical menu.
getWarning() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Returns the HTML to display this message window as a warning
getWarningMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
A static method that returns the HTML needed to display a basic warning message with no buttons.
getWrappedTableTag() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Returns the HTML to display this table as a group of side by side tables to maximize the amount of data that can fit on a single screen.
gmysql_connect() - Function in package FORMfields
gmysql_insert() - Function in package FORMfields
gmysql_query() - Function in package FORMfields
gmysql_select() - Function in package FORMfields
gmysql_tracked_update() - Function in package FORMfields
gmysql_update() - Function in package FORMfields


HeaderField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
HeaderField is a field that displays a header or title section across the label and field columns of your form.
hexDump() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Echos a hexidecimal dump of binary data.
HiddenField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
HiddenField is a hidden field.
HomePhoneNumberField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
HomePhoneNumber is a field for editing an American phone number if the form, "XXX-YYY-ZZZZ".
htmlify() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
HTMLifys the text by converting all URLs and email addresses to hyperlinks.


ImageField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ImageField turns an image into a submit button.
ImageVerificationField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ImageVerificationField is a field that uses a randomly drawn integer code to ensure that the user who completes your form is a live person and not a spam bot.
insert() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Uses an associative array to insert data in a database table.
insertAttrChanges() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Uses a database table to record changes to a row of data and create an audit trail.
insertAttrChanges() - Function in package FORMfields
insertIndexes() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Inserts a column of indexes (starting at 1).
insertValuesIntoDb() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Inserts values in the specified table according to the database values of the fields in this form.
IntegerField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
IntegerField is a field for editing integers/whole numbers.
IntlPhoneNumberField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
IntlPhoneNumberField is a field for editing an international phone number that is less than 26 characters long.
IpAddressField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
IpAddressField is hidden field that automatically captures the IP Address of the user completing the form.
is_a() - Function in package FORMfields
Checks if the given object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents.
isBlank() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
A static method that returns true if value is blank such as the value of a field when the user hasn't filled in that field.
isEmpty() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Returns true if the field value is blank such as when the user hasn't filled in the value.
isValid() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.VariableNameField
Checks for field errors detected by this field, including a check for blank.


keepFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Removes all fields except those specified.


ListBuilderField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ListBuilderField is a field to edit a user supplied list.
ListField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ListField a field used to select a single option from a list of options.
loadAssociativeArray() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Loads data from an associative array.
loadAssociativeArrayColumnWise() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Loads data from an associative array.
loadDbValues() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Loads database field values from an associative array where the index is the field name.
loadDbValuesNoCreate() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Loads database field values from an associative array where the index is the field name.
loadQuery() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Loads the data from an SQL query.
loadResultSet() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Loads the data from a results set.
loadRowsAndColumns() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Loads array data and formats it into the specified number of rows and columns.
loadTranslationsIfNeeded() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLanguageHelper
Loads the translations file if needed: if the translations file hasn't been loaded.
loadValuesFromDb() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Loads the database values of the fields in this form.
loadValuesFromQuery() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Loads the database values of the fields in this form from a specified SQL query.


mail() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Sends an HTML or clear text email.
MonthField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
MonthField is a drop down field of months.
moveUploadedFile() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadField
Moves the uploaded field to the destination path.
MultipleListField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ListField a field used to select a multiple options from a list of options.


onClick() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FfClearButtonListener
A callback method used to implement the clear button operation.
onNoClicks() - Method in class FORMfields.FfFormListener
A callback routine that is called when there were no button clicks on the form.


parseDelimitedFile() - Method in class FORMfields.FfParseHelper
Parses a delimited file.
parseTabDeliminatedFile() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns an array of arrays of data from the tab delimited file.
PasswordAnswerField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
PasswordAnswerField is a field for editing the answer to a PasswordQuestionField.
PasswordQuestionField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
PasswordQuestionField a drop down field of password questions.
performActions() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Uses the form listener and any appropriate button listener to perform the form actions.
PersonNameField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
PersonNameField is a field for editing a person's name.
PhoneNumberField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
PhoneNumberField is a field for editing an American office phone number in the form, "AAA-BBB-CCCC xDDDDD".
PickPasswordField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
PickPasswordField is a password field.
pluralize() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns the word as a pluralized word if count is greater than 1.
PostalCodeField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
PostalCodeField is a field for editing an international postal code.
printError() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Echos the HTML to display this message window as an error.
printInfo() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Echos the HTML to display this message window as a information.
printMenu() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML to display a horizontal 2 tier menu.
printMenuLinks() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML that displays the tab sub links in a horizontal menu.
printMessage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Echos the HTML to display this message window.
printNotSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML used to display an unselected tab in a horizontal menu.
printQuestion() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Echos the HTML to display this message window as a question.
printSectionFooter() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML to display the footer of a section widget.
printSectionHeader() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML to display a section header widget.
printSectionTitleFooter() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML to display the footer of a section title widget.
printSectionTitleHeader() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML to display the header of a section title widget.
printSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML used to display a selected tab in a horizontal menu.
printServerDownError() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Echos a error message page explaining that there was a problem connecting to the database and to try back later.
printSimpleFfPageFooter() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns the footer (everything after and including the closing body tag) of a very basic W3C compliant web page.
printSimpleFfPageHeader() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns the header (everything up to and including the body tag) of a very basic W3C compliant web page.
printTitle() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echo the HTML to display the title widget.
printVerticalMenu() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML to display a vertical 2 tier menu.
printVerticalMenuLinks() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML that displays the tab sub links in a vertical menu.
printVerticalNotSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML used to display an unselected tab in a vertical menu.
printVerticalSelectedTab() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMenuHelper
Echos the HTML used to display a selected tab in a vertical menu.
printWarning() - Method in class FORMfields.FfMessageHelper
Echos the HTML to display this message window as a warning.
process() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Retrieves submitted form values and then uses the button listener, form listener and any appropriate button listener to perform the form actions.


query() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Executes an SQL query.


RadioButtonField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
RadioButton a field for displaying a group of radio button boxes where only one box can be selected at a time.
removeAllEmptyFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Removes all empty fields.
removeField() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Removes a field from this form.
removeFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Removes fields from this form
removeParameterFromUri() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Returns a URI without the specified parameter and parameter value.


s() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLH
Returns a singleton instance of this class.
save() - Method in class FORMfields.FfProperties
Writes properties to a PHP file.
scandir() - Function in package FORMfields
List files and directories inside the specified path.
scandir() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns an array of files in the specified directory.
scrambleScanLine() - Method in class FORMfields.FfPngHelper
Returns a scrambled scanline by randomly changing the color of random pixels.
SearchResultsField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
SearchResultsField is a field that automatically pagifies the display of large amounts of database data.
select() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Uses an associative array to select a row of data from a database table.
SessionVerificationField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
SessionVerificationField is a spam deterrent field that requires a client to utilize sessions.
setAutoPropagate() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether values of not editable or not enabled fields should be propagated using a hidden field.
setData() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether this field should be considered data and if this field's value should be read from a database and written to a database.
setDate() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.DateField
Sets this field's value according to the date array returned by PHP's getdate() function.
setDbValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.SetSelectorField
Sets the database value of this field.
setDisplayValuesOnNewLine() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether multiple values should be separated by new lines.
setEditable() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether this field is editable.
setEditableFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Enables or disables editing of fields in this form.
setEnabled() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether the field is enabled.
setEnabledFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Enables or disables fields in this form.
setEndingString() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets the string displayed directly after the field label.
setEnterTabs() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Sets whether pressing enter on an input field submits the form or moves the focus to the next element.
setError() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets the error string associated with this field upon a failed validation.
setExtraHtml() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets any extra HTML/JavaScript code that should be inserted into the input tag.
setFieldBelowLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets where the field should be displayed below the label instead of inline with the label.
setFormError() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets the the error string set by this field that is not particular to this field and will be propagated up to the FfForm.
setFormName() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Sets the value of the name attribute in the form tag.
setHelp() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets the HTML help string that appears to the right of a field.
setHidden() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether this field is a hidden field.
setHiddenFields() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Hides or shows the specified fields.
setHtmlify() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether FORMfields should try to automatically HTMLify the HTML display value of this field.
setId() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets the value of the id attribute printed in this field's input tag.
setIsData() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether this field should be considered data and if this field's value should be read from a database and written to a database.
setIsHidden() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether this field is a hidden field.
setLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets the label of this form field.
setLanguage() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLanguageHelper
Sets the current language.
setName() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets the name of the form field.
setRequired() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether the field must be filled in and whether it looks like it must be filled in.
SetSelectorField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
SetSelectorField is a field for selecting a list of choices.
setTime() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.TwentyFourHourTimeField
Sets this field's value according to the date array returned by PHP's getdate() function.
setToCurrentDate() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.DateField
Sets this field's value to the current date.
setToCurrentDateTime() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.DateTimeField
Sets this field's value to the current date and time.
setToCurrentTime() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.TimeField
Sets this field's value to the current time.
setTranslationFilename() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLanguageHelper
Sets the translation filename and sets the translationsLoaded value to false.
setTrimWhitespace() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether whitespace should automatically be trimmed from user entered values.
setValue() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.ZipPlus4Field
Sets the value of this form field.
setValueIsHtml() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Sets whether if FORMfields should not apply htmlspecialchars() or try to automatically HTMLify the HTML display value of this field.
singleton() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLH
Returns a singleton instance of this class.
splitResultSet() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Retrieves separate columns of data from a result set.
sqlServerDown() - Function in package FORMfields
StateField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
StateField a drop down list of U.S.
StreetAddressField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
StreetAddressField a field for editing a street address.
stringToArray() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Converts a comma separated list to an array of strings
stringToPattern() - Method in class FORMfields.FfExtHelper
Returns a string of characters that are treated as regular expression constants and not regular expression control characters.
stripos() - Function in package FORMfields
Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string.
stripos() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns the position of needle in haystack.
SubmitField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
SubmitField is a submit button.


t() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLH
Returns the translation(s) for the given label(s).
TableSet() - Class in package FORMfields
Stores table data, and displays table data formatted by CSS stylesheets.
TaxIdField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
TaxIdField is a field for editing a Tax ID or Social Security Number.
TextAreaField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
TextAreaField is a field for editing multiple lines of text.
TextField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
TextField is a field that allows for the editing of a single line of text.
TimeField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
TimeField a field for 12 hour time.
TimestampField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
TimestampField is hidden field that automatically captures the timestamp of when the user last submitted the form data.
toString() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
Returns the value as a string.
toString() - Function in package FORMfields
trackedUpdate() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Uses the attribute changes construct in FfDbHelper to record the difference between the new data in this form and the old saved data in the database and then updates the data in the database with this form's new data.
translate() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLanguageHelper
Returns the translation(s) for the given label(s).
translateLabel() - Method in class FORMfields.FfLanguageHelper
Returns the translation for the given label.
translateRows() - Method in class FORMfields.TableSet
Uses pattern to determine whether to set a row's CSS.
TwentyFourHourTimeField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
TimeField a field for 12 hour time.


update() - Method in class FORMfields.FfDbHelper
Uses an associative array to update data in a database table.
updateValuesInDb() - Method in class FORMfields.FfForm
Updates the values in the specified table according to the database values of the fields in this form.
UploadField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
UploadField is a field for selecting a file on your local computer to upload to your web server.
uploadFile() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadField
This method checks for any errors that may have occured while trying to upload the file.
UploadWebImageField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
UploadWebImageField is a field for uploading a web image: "gif", "jpg", "jpeg" or "png".
UploadWebImageViewerField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
UploadWebImageViewerField is a type of UploadWebImageField that permits only web images to be uploaded and upon a successful upload, displays the uploaded image.
UrlField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
UrlField is a field for editing a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
UsernameField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
UsernameField is a field for editing a username.


validate() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.FormField
Performs field value validation using any form validators and checks for errors.
validExtension() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadField
Returns true if the specified extension is an extension that may be uploaded.
validImageExtension() - Method in class FORMfields.fields.UploadWebImageField
VariableNameField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
VariableNameField is a field for editing the name of a programming variable.


wordWrap() - Method in class FORMfields.FfHelper
A static method that enhances PHP's wordwrap function by: 1 - Not considering HTML tags as characters 2 - Considering encoded UTF-8 characters, like "请" as a single character.


YearField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
YearField is a drop down field of years.


ZipCodeField() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ZipCodeField is a field for editing a 5 digit American zip code.
ZipPlus4Field() - Class in package FORMfields.fields
ZipPlus4Field is a field for editing a full length American zip code of the form "XXXXX-YYYY".
