
Package FORMfields.fields

Class Summary
BritishDateFieldBritishDateField a date field used to represent dates in British/European format DD/MM/YYYY.
CanadianProvinceFieldCanadianProvinceField a drop down list of Canadian provinces.
CcvFieldCcvField is a field for editing a credit card CCV/security number.
CheckboxFieldCheckboxField is a check box (yes or no) field.
CheckboxGroupFieldCheckboxGroupField is a field for editig a group of checkboxes.
CityFieldCityField is a field for editing a city name.
ColorChooserFieldColorChooserField is a field for selecting a 24 bit web color from a popup palette.
CountryFieldCountryField is a drop down list of countries.
CreditCardDateFieldCreditCardDateField is a date field for credit card expiration dates.
CreditCardNumberFieldCreditCardNumberField is a field for editing a credit card number.
CreditCardTypeFieldCreditCardTypeField is a drop down field of credit card types.
CurrencyFieldCurrencyField is a field for editing an amount of money in any specified currency.
DateFieldDateField a three part date field with a popup date calendar.
DateTimeFieldFormField is the base class of a form field.
DescriptionFieldDescriptionField is a field that prints any HTML description and spans both the label and field value columns.
DollarFieldDollarField is a field for editing dollar amounts that use the sign, "$".
DropDownFieldDropDownField a field for selecting a single option from a drop down list of options or supplying an new option, if the new option functionality is enabled.
EinFieldEinField is a field for editing a Employer Identification Number.
EmailAddrFieldEmailAddrField is a field for editing an email address.
EmailListFieldEmailListField is a field for editing a list of email addresses.
EnterPasswordFieldPickPasswordField is a password field.
FaxNumberFieldFaxNumberField is a field for editing an American fax number in the form: "XXX-YYY-ZZZZ".
FfButtonListenerA callback class that processes a button's click action.
FfClearButtonListenerA callback class used to implement the clear button operation.
FfFieldValidatorA callback class used to implement field validation that is not hard coded into the field, yet can be set during run time.
FileFieldFileField is a field for selecting a file on your local computer.
FloatFieldFloatField is a field for editing floating point numbers.
FormFieldFormField is the base class of a form field.
HeaderFieldHeaderField is a field that displays a header or title section across the label and field columns of your form.
HiddenFieldHiddenField is a hidden field.
HomePhoneNumberFieldHomePhoneNumber is a field for editing an American phone number if the form, "XXX-YYY-ZZZZ".
ImageFieldImageField turns an image into a submit button.
ImageVerificationFieldImageVerificationField is a field that uses a randomly drawn integer code to ensure that the user who completes your form is a live person and not a spam bot.
IntegerFieldIntegerField is a field for editing integers/whole numbers.
IntlPhoneNumberFieldIntlPhoneNumberField is a field for editing an international phone number that is less than 26 characters long.
IpAddressFieldIpAddressField is hidden field that automatically captures the IP Address of the user completing the form.
ListBuilderFieldListBuilderField is a field to edit a user supplied list.
ListFieldListField a field used to select a single option from a list of options.
MonthFieldMonthField is a drop down field of months.
MultipleListFieldListField a field used to select a multiple options from a list of options.
PasswordAnswerFieldPasswordAnswerField is a field for editing the answer to a PasswordQuestionField.
PasswordQuestionFieldPasswordQuestionField a drop down field of password questions.
PersonNameFieldPersonNameField is a field for editing a person's name.
PhoneNumberFieldPhoneNumberField is a field for editing an American office phone number in the form, "AAA-BBB-CCCC xDDDDD".
PickPasswordFieldPickPasswordField is a password field.
PostalCodeFieldPostalCodeField is a field for editing an international postal code.
RadioButtonFieldRadioButton a field for displaying a group of radio button boxes where only one box can be selected at a time.
SearchResultsFieldSearchResultsField is a field that automatically pagifies the display of large amounts of database data.
SessionVerificationFieldSessionVerificationField is a spam deterrent field that requires a client to utilize sessions.
SetSelectorFieldSetSelectorField is a field for selecting a list of choices.
StateFieldStateField a drop down list of U.S.
StreetAddressFieldStreetAddressField a field for editing a street address.
SubmitFieldSubmitField is a submit button.
TaxIdFieldTaxIdField is a field for editing a Tax ID or Social Security Number.
TextAreaFieldTextAreaField is a field for editing multiple lines of text.
TextFieldTextField is a field that allows for the editing of a single line of text.
TimeFieldTimeField a field for 12 hour time.
TimestampFieldTimestampField is hidden field that automatically captures the timestamp of when the user last submitted the form data.
TwentyFourHourTimeFieldTimeField a field for 12 hour time.
UploadFieldUploadField is a field for selecting a file on your local computer to upload to your web server.
UploadWebImageFieldUploadWebImageField is a field for uploading a web image: "gif", "jpg", "jpeg" or "png".
UploadWebImageViewerFieldUploadWebImageViewerField is a type of UploadWebImageField that permits only web images to be uploaded and upon a successful upload, displays the uploaded image.
UrlFieldUrlField is a field for editing a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
UsernameFieldUsernameField is a field for editing a username.
VariableNameFieldVariableNameField is a field for editing the name of a programming variable.
YearFieldYearField is a drop down field of years.
ZipCodeFieldZipCodeField is a field for editing a 5 digit American zip code.
ZipPlus4FieldZipPlus4Field is a field for editing a full length American zip code of the form "XXXXX-YYYY".
